It's all about You,JESUS!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

News of the Week 1August'08

smuanya cantik sekali! nah....ini muka orang2 tak berdosa!
yup?anything? john"te o ice please"
besties----(action= DUDE!!!)
I have no comment for this one,but the only thing i noe is,"alex,your tounge please!!"

LohalO KDC,

Apa Kabar?

1.I found out that less people wanna read in paragraf

2.People interested in picture more than in words,but because this is a weekly report, so i cant use a picture to describe to you guys!

3.I will try my best to give the best News of our cell and post it as interesting as possible, to make you come!

4.I will update our blog every Tuesday!Remember!

5.So Check it out every Tuesday!

6.But 1st of all i realize that if u were tring to read the context will be a bit confusing,but as long as i got your 1st attention 1st,so after this will be back to normal!

7.Do anyone got idea what is the best thing to post in our blog beside weekly news?Thanks for the cooperation(i hope the idea its not only from yewjinn n ika,cause i know the they r the only reader so far,jk)hehehe

8.on duty this week:



iB: jamesLEE

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Here is all the Nomination

sinlessfish - relay - goliath - beforesupper - convertion - walkingcloser - forwell - victory - kdcsayshi -romans828 - KDCaide - memoirenew-born - childfreaks4Jesus - inchristalone - forhisname - COG (Child of God) - transfiguration-transit - KDChristalis - K. D. Chris. ta. lis.

Choose Your Favourite!You can choose 2 the maximum!

News of the Week 25July'08


Get Ready for the Empower days!

Yeah although my advertisement about it not so good as in the church one! But trust just go for it and seek for our Mighty Jesus!

Have u Pray or Worship today? Do it now,as in the bible said that whoever seek unto Him, He never leave him alone nor forsake him. Amen! Hope the best for all of you that in this week and remeber to walk with Him!

1.Sattia's birthday is on last monday

2.Simon 1st day working is last monday oso

3.and John Gan 1st day internship another same day

4.SheeReen leaving this Sunday!(whoever leave already remember to visit kdcsayshi often

5.its been so long we never swim together,any idea?hehe^^

6.You're very welcome and encourage to come every evening 8pm since today to church for an empowerment night(i will be there,YewJinn,JohnGan and June)

Monday, July 14, 2008

News of the Week 18July'08


It has been a great week for me since the concert day, i hope the same thing is happening to you too. Let us continue say thanks to the Lord who has shared His unconditional love to every each of us. And the question is have u praised the Lord?

This blog blog has been inactive for almost 1 month, and i lost all my visitors already,hehehe

Keep Visiting this blog and if there is a news about our cell or cell-member or maybe you,just tell us in comment!

I encourage everyone whoever need a prayer just jot it down here! (Don't tell me taht you don't need a pray)

On duty this week :

IB :

WL : DanielYen

WORD : KoayYewJinn

Thanks for reading guys!

Have a nice day!

info: i just watched 'Amazing Grace' yesterday, and it really amazingly amaze me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Concert Night 11July'08

Hi guys!a very interesting news is here. This friday,a Band from Australia is coming to town, n we r going to attend their concert in church at 8pm. For sure,we r going to have fun or have joy or have a great music, depends on u guys.hehehe but for sure just prepare ourself for a great time with God in "SHOUT" Concert.


PLEASE inform me for those that need transport, n please sms me if you need one. Cause i lost all your number again, im sorry about that. But i ll try my best to double check with all of you.


and for :





Enjoy your new environment, and i hope all of you can build and grow each other even more in Jesus.

God Bless.