It's all about You,JESUS!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's next? Silver Bells!!

This weekend, do….

Come in something silver or blue,

Invite along a friend or two,

Celebrate Christmas with joy & laughter,

And join us for a light dinner after.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

(UPDATED) KDC Cell Chrismas Party! Love is in the air this Christmas!

(Scroll below for details...)

Date: 5th December 2008
Time: 7PM to 10PM
Venue: Pantai Hillpark Phase 2.0 Poolside
Dress code: Come in something red or white...

We'll have a great time of carolling, games and BBQ!!

Invite your friends and bring along a gift for exchange (Gift value: RM5 - RM10)

Transport will be provided if required (Unless you are out of the Klang Valley - e.g. Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Medan, Tasmania, JB, Perak, Singapore, Botswana, etc...) =)

Please also note: No alcohol, no swimming within the event vicinity ;)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sub Prime

Above is a illustration of the drop in Indexes (ours would be KLSE) around the world. and as 
you can see, Malaysia's fallen into the Red Zone.

        As most of you might have heard, world economy aren't that great nowadays, and the work Sub prime, Great depression, Interest rate cuts, Bank Spread, Hedge Fund, *&^%$ and more rubbish jargon.
To help you better understand whats going on, you must learn the root cause which is The Sub prime Crisis (Click Here).

As the world economy heads toward Globalization. We can no longer ignore what is happening outside our country. As we might be driving a Japanese car, wearing a UK brand T-shirt that was made in China using cotton from a farm in Australia which was funded by a Swiss company listed in Wall Street (and the list goes on). The picture beside clearly illustrates how Global we're in right now. 

In short, US economy is failing and the world is being pulled into the blackhole, With lots of small business being forced into foreclosure, Big companies aren't spared as well. Believe me when i can no country is spared (and even China which as I'm drafting this post, has committed to spend 4Trillion RMB in the span of 2 years to boost domestic growth). 

Here, I hope that you can learn from what is happening around the world. This crisis have said to be on par or worst then the Great Depression back in the 1920s. This is indeed an incident that might not happen again in our lifetime and lets take this opportunity to learn and understand the mechanics behind our economy.

In conclusion, seeing how bad the economy is heading, dont expect me to spend you meals and no Xmas gift :P

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Recent news for cell

Hey Guys. I've decided to take a whack at the gossip column (err I mean cell column)

Anyways here's the usual spiel of the week:

  1. Daniel sends us news from Indonesia (He's sick and might be down with dengue) [Do send him well wishes, prayers and get well soon cards guys. He needs it!!!]

  2. Ronald Tobing says that he might be visiting us next month so keep your fingers crossed!

  3. James Lee brought a new member in this week. Hurrah! (Say Hi to Jojo guys & girls)

  4. Isabelle just finished a major project with Hannah T (drools.....sorry bad habit) and some other celebrities (Harith Iskander, Hans Isaac, Pietro and many others.) called the H-Factor ( which is aimed at helping youths make a difference in the entertainment industry. (Yep it really doesn't get any better than Hannah Tan guys!)

  5. Yew Jinn, Me and Jason broke new records in prayer (around 5 hours). There was an all night prayer for the church at Ps. Julie's house. Great stuff guys. (And no one turned into pillars of salt. We're all saints :P) [Was actually worried I would be turned into 1]

Well that's KDC network for this week. How are you all doing? Hope things are going on great! Do continue to pray for the cell and bring along new friends!!! And let us know if you're going through a rough patch so we can bail you out with prayer and support. Enjoy the coming week guys and continue to seek after God.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time (roughly 3 years ago), there was 2 young Indonesian lads that came to Malaysia. Little did they know what was in stored for them. During the short period of time, they've grown in the favour of the Lord and have attempted great things in His name.
Their lives were blessings to KDC which brought laughter and the joy of worship in their small group.

to be continue. lunch break lar! whatelse.


In the end, every hacthling will need one day grow and leave the nest, and i am grateful for every single ups and downs we both shared. As we have lived out the time our lives had intertwined, i seem to believe that somewhere down the road, God has enlaced more opportunity for us to one day commune again.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Watch the man play!!! & Save Rick, Save the world!

Haha. These two are the most amazing lines in KDC. Let me outline the scenario for you guys.

Watch the man play was credited to Daniel Yen.

So so....Here's the scene. Long lost chess champion Yew Jinn and military tactician (more like military charge champion hehe) Jason Ngu against Daniel Yen. The ending scene was this. Our Daniel had 1 rook left to play along with his king and Yew Jinn had 2 bishops.

Thinking bishops were actually too dumb to nail a checkmate, Daniel rushed to attack them against his military adviser's advice aka Me :P. I wanted to say something but Daniel replied :" Just watch the MAN play" BWAHAHAHA. If you saw the look on Daniel's face when that checkmate happened....PRICELESS BRO!!! Absolutely PRICELESS!!! Well Daniel apologized to all men for losing .

Ok...Line 2. Save Rick, Save the world.

The scene was set in the game of Mafia. So the game was civilians against Mafia. This is basically an attorney defense game where you get the chance to sorta prove your innocence. That you were not the mafia. Your fate in this game is decided by a council (the civilians and mafia who would vote either for your death [to leave the game] or your right to live [to remain in the game]). The most compelling and interesting argument put forth was by Rick. Faced with the wrath of the council and like a lamb about to be put to the slaughter, Rick stood up and said:" Save Rick, Save the world" The argument was so compelling that Jason did the "bro signal" and GUESS WHAT!!! Dear old Rick here turned out to be the mafia (who should be convicted by the council in other to win the game). Guess dear Rick turned out to be Sylar after all. Hahaha. Machiavellian indeed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

After so long!

Here i am to fill the blog again....that i had so miss u guys already!hehehe

Watsup everybody!How is kdcsayshi doin???

I think everyone are getting lazy to open this site,cause very seldom update...hihihi

sory for dat guys!so here is things dat i noe and to inform to cellies....

1.last week yewjinn alex sherly n jason went to krabi(hope to hear the good story from all of u!)

2.Jonathan starting to serve in chruch occasionally or maybe frequently! It s really an encouragement,that u manage ur time so well to do dat...

3.Ronald has pass the final..remember to congrats him..hehehe and where mine still not out the resullt...

4.i am sick for 2 days already...please pray for i can get well soon....

5.we got a lot of new comers nowadays...remember to keep im touch with them

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just a photos!

just look at it and comment..hehehe

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Bla Bla Bla...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Service of 23rd August 08

Cellies!!! How you doing this week?

This week Ps. Linda talked about saving the lost souls to Christ, how its everyone's duty and responsibility as a christian to do so.

Regarding that, we might want to ask ourselves as a cell, how are we building passion towards the lost and how we might grow to learn how to love our pagan friends and eventually lead them to Christ.

Perhaps the way to start is to start caring for those in our cell as it is written in Hebrews 13:25:

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

For those of you who love Greek, the word exhort is "parakeleo" which in original context means to:

1)to console, to encourage and strengthen by consolation,

2)to comfort to receive consolation, be comforted (, 2008)

Well before I turn into Ps. Gan just wanna say that we all enjoyed the dinner at Piccadilly. (1st time I actually attempted shell fish....without contracting an allergy.)

And heads off to the monster javelin thrower Andreas Thorkildsen of Norway, relentless Berkele from Ethopia for smashing both Olympic records and entertaining us hehe.

There wasn't a COD night this week but we (Isabelle, May, Rick,Jason, Ronald, and Me) did enjoy ourselves a pool game. Nothing like a lil one on one with 2 champion "snookerinas" (Err yeah I made that word :P)

"Next week I shall have my revenge" (says the Shadow. (Jon Gan's Alter ego) . Watch out Snake and Zpa!!!

Alright guys. Signing off. This is Jon Gan for Daniel Yen. KDCsaysHi network....(Maybe we should start a newscasting service)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

News of the Week 22August'08

Ni men Hao!

Guys!How are u doing this week?

Questions to ANSWER This week!

which one do u prefer?Have a passion and faith for Jesus or have a knowledge and faith about Jesus?

Note: dont forget the reason as well, you answer will bless others who read it,and we thankful for the answer!

1.KDC had a C-O-D night on saturday nite, instead of going phat-to, we went to having fun time in cybercafe(although the fact was, no date and we enjoy to being single^^)..And as usual JohnGan the shadow still rule the game even snake won once!And YewJinn improved the most..hehehe

2.And snooker game oso at the other hand at the same time. with princess Isabelle won it..

3.And at last JohnLee oso got to bring the game on in the table football(dun noe whether it is the name or not)..with an unexpected shoot..hehehe


5.June's birthday 17August,which is also Indonesia's Independents Day...Happy betdei June and Dirgahayu Indonesia

6.Sattia recovered already

7.Last week icebreaker was nice and exiting!hehehe

8.Alex Goh and Rick's Testimony was great one!Thanks for sharing!


10.On duty this week:



GTR:Danielyen and Junelai(soon Rick,Jasonngu,Alexng,Isabellelai)


Remember to prepare yourself to with an encouraging story of this week that happened to u!And prepared to go to camp!hehehehe

God Bless You!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

News of the Week 15August'08


How r u doing this week? No one would never expect that the Badminton 1stChampion from Indonesia had to stop the journey on the 1st round of the tournament by Malaysian veteran player..hehehe its just an introduntion, btw Congrats!^^

we got questions to answer this week:

1.How is the new house in bangsar doing jason,isabelle,john,james?

2.How r u doing now Sattia?getting better?please share a little bit about ur health now to us.

This is last week internship for John Gan,please keep him in prayer..

Pray for Yewjinn's work as well,i believe he has the most things to do in work among us(extimation only)..

Pray for June who is looking for job now..

Pray for Simon who is working in his new place

Pray for JamesLai who has gone back to his hometown last few days

Pray for Alex(new one) who just arrive in KL and starting his further studies

Pray for Ronald and Daniel who are doing Final Final Project

and for others members so that the faith will keep growing for Jesus

This week on duty:





and at last---->

Build a passion for Jesus Christ

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

News of the Week 8August'08

Sheereen and Sheelain the sisters


This coming Friday is 888,its the best number for Chinese,hehehehe grow grow grow.. People believe it as lucky number and gonna bring a grow n luck in money.WOW!

Lets believe it too!hahaha as the number that remind us to grow in Christ even more mature and be passionated to Him!
we r going to watch BeiJing Olimpic in Karen's House!and dinner provided!so DO come!!!!!

Prepare yourself before we come to cell,like story or encouragement and the most important is open our heart to receive His word..

As we r voting for KDC's name, we try our best to avoid a cheating in this polling, so lets go to "here is the nomination" blog to give a vote in comment..

keep in touch with our dearest friend that still in their hometown : Isabelle and June

Pray for each other : pray for Michelle who celebrated her birthday yesterday, Sattia to get an internship, Ronald who just had minor surgery for his tooth, Daniel who doing final, any addition?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

News of the Week 1August'08

smuanya cantik sekali! nah....ini muka orang2 tak berdosa!
yup?anything? john"te o ice please"
besties----(action= DUDE!!!)
I have no comment for this one,but the only thing i noe is,"alex,your tounge please!!"

LohalO KDC,

Apa Kabar?

1.I found out that less people wanna read in paragraf

2.People interested in picture more than in words,but because this is a weekly report, so i cant use a picture to describe to you guys!

3.I will try my best to give the best News of our cell and post it as interesting as possible, to make you come!

4.I will update our blog every Tuesday!Remember!

5.So Check it out every Tuesday!

6.But 1st of all i realize that if u were tring to read the context will be a bit confusing,but as long as i got your 1st attention 1st,so after this will be back to normal!

7.Do anyone got idea what is the best thing to post in our blog beside weekly news?Thanks for the cooperation(i hope the idea its not only from yewjinn n ika,cause i know the they r the only reader so far,jk)hehehe

8.on duty this week:



iB: jamesLEE

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Here is all the Nomination

sinlessfish - relay - goliath - beforesupper - convertion - walkingcloser - forwell - victory - kdcsayshi -romans828 - KDCaide - memoirenew-born - childfreaks4Jesus - inchristalone - forhisname - COG (Child of God) - transfiguration-transit - KDChristalis - K. D. Chris. ta. lis.

Choose Your Favourite!You can choose 2 the maximum!

News of the Week 25July'08


Get Ready for the Empower days!

Yeah although my advertisement about it not so good as in the church one! But trust just go for it and seek for our Mighty Jesus!

Have u Pray or Worship today? Do it now,as in the bible said that whoever seek unto Him, He never leave him alone nor forsake him. Amen! Hope the best for all of you that in this week and remeber to walk with Him!

1.Sattia's birthday is on last monday

2.Simon 1st day working is last monday oso

3.and John Gan 1st day internship another same day

4.SheeReen leaving this Sunday!(whoever leave already remember to visit kdcsayshi often

5.its been so long we never swim together,any idea?hehe^^

6.You're very welcome and encourage to come every evening 8pm since today to church for an empowerment night(i will be there,YewJinn,JohnGan and June)

Monday, July 14, 2008

News of the Week 18July'08


It has been a great week for me since the concert day, i hope the same thing is happening to you too. Let us continue say thanks to the Lord who has shared His unconditional love to every each of us. And the question is have u praised the Lord?

This blog blog has been inactive for almost 1 month, and i lost all my visitors already,hehehe

Keep Visiting this blog and if there is a news about our cell or cell-member or maybe you,just tell us in comment!

I encourage everyone whoever need a prayer just jot it down here! (Don't tell me taht you don't need a pray)

On duty this week :

IB :

WL : DanielYen

WORD : KoayYewJinn

Thanks for reading guys!

Have a nice day!

info: i just watched 'Amazing Grace' yesterday, and it really amazingly amaze me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Concert Night 11July'08

Hi guys!a very interesting news is here. This friday,a Band from Australia is coming to town, n we r going to attend their concert in church at 8pm. For sure,we r going to have fun or have joy or have a great music, depends on u guys.hehehe but for sure just prepare ourself for a great time with God in "SHOUT" Concert.


PLEASE inform me for those that need transport, n please sms me if you need one. Cause i lost all your number again, im sorry about that. But i ll try my best to double check with all of you.


and for :





Enjoy your new environment, and i hope all of you can build and grow each other even more in Jesus.

God Bless.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Blessed B'day to Jon Lee

Cheers~ Bro.

As a little token of appreciation from the Cell,
We've bought him this book: Across the Face of the World

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bowling Dayz~

Ladies and Gents(sounds so toilet^^) tomorrow is friday again and of course cell meeting again.To the point,we will having our cell meet in 1U. We going to have dinner 1st, after you feel good,hehe lets walk to the chamber of competition, which is Bowling game. why chamber of competition? cause in this case, our cell leader has setted a rule:
1.we play in 2 lane and compete with each other
2.we play 2 games
3.and the interesting part is in rule number 4 have to remember rule number 5 must take it serious at rule number 6
6.IMATION,if you arent clear u have to move to rule number 7 to find out! are right, it is the one! our 2 more left out pendrives
8.whoever has the highest scoreee in each game, will get this means,after one game we will give the pendrive to the most scorer(can we use score in bowling?)
9.i know,after you read about it, some of you starting to stretch their finger already but dont be so "kiasu",like singaporean(Jason you know wat i meant rite?hahaha Just JK^^),you got to invite you friend...(everyone starting think of who i need to invite that can play bowling^^)
10.dont worry we got team prize(still secret)
11.for those who not interested in the -imation- must join oso,cause we need you in helping us to get the team prize.

hehehe thats all guys!lets having fun in the chamber of competition tomorrow.CU THERE!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Futsal Competition Prize.

Sharing with those who missed the gift unwrapping part.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


You know what people say about Vegas, the place to go off and escape the norms? Well, a few of us had the chance to take a break last sunday and enjoy a trip down to Melaka (Or Malacca in English), town of the A-famosa fort and all year round sweltering heat! It was pretty much a chill out-see what we can sort of trip, with moments of laughter, sharing and lots of soft drinks!

The morning began with failing to adjust my nocturnal clocks (much like now, still) and getting ready for our day out- I was pumped though, surviving on adrenaline for much of the weekend *futsal* :) we scheduled to meet at the toll around 11am, to fuel up and move out together.

'Enthu' campers getting ready!

However... disaster struck early.

When Alex came over and asked our car, "good news or bad news first...?" We gave him a curious brow and Mich asked for the good- "our food is still properly froz..." and I cut him short- "someone FORGOT the FOOD????" truth be told, one car had to reroute and get the food. *phew* lucky we found out then and not halfway to Melaka..

Ze Culprito. Hehehehe. *snapshot* After that upheaval, we moved out and got on the road!

Mich at the wheel. (NFS Cepat)

and the happy passengers (guess who's scared?)


We couldn't stop talking about the highlights of our recent futsal game, and everyone was charged for a good part of the roadtrip :) The weather on the way there was a little freaky- hasn't rain for days but it drizzled randomly and thunderstormed half the time we were on the highway. We saw at least 4 accidents on the way there.. life is fragile!

A Famosa Resort

Ooooooooooooh. on the way to finding the check-in counter.

In any case, we reached safely and began hunting for our residence, when we saw this beside the parking lots- and how do we know to take these things seriously? check it out:


Visitors loading/unloading stuff... wait a min.. what's that?? *closer look*

HUH?? is that seriously....

so hear ye, hear ye, when a sign says beware, HEED!

So after we confirmed our booking, we had a little time to kill before we could bunk in, and Tampin happened to be the nearest town for lunch- by this time Yew Jinn and Jon had arrived and we met at the entrance to head over. According to our intel..

This place has the best 'chap fan' a.k.a Mixed Rice.

waht chu looookin aht?

Get the table! with all smiles :)

Glad to sit down for makan!

Yew Jinn can launch a punch from anywhere! *fades*


After a hearty lunch, we made our way back to the resort.... and to 1201!

Checking out the view

Evidently exicited campers!


Bright and Cozy!

View from above!


So we chilled out and took our time enjoying the place and just settling down and resting while we mingled and did things like......

Taking hostages and making demands.
(we will deny any terrorist affiliations whatsoever)

Facing the music and having fun ;)

Checking out the Minibar Menu and filling in the fridge!...

With lotsa food!

Chillin out with a read~

Lots of card games!

and just enjoying the big beds!
(can you spot the Mich?!)

Afterwards we headed to the small pond and went paddling!
(one of my fav scenic shots!)

After losing our legs to paddling... we drove back :P

And started to prepare the food...

Jamming to house music...

Mixing fun and work...

Almost going NuTs waiting.....

....Posing for photos....!

....Before Feeding Time!! *flurry of chopsticks*

The food was slightly more than enough, and anyone who wants a free Milo can just pop by my place anytime- i'll make you one personally :) Haha, as stuffed as we were, we could always fit a little more, a little more! and not to mention out personal soft drink selection!
(yup we beat the mini bar by milesssss)

Simon and Jon 'chilling'!

Wiping the table while holding the soft drink
(speed capture!)

Very thirsty people!

Smile/'Ho ah!'(Good ah!)
(products are for advertisement purposes only)

We had quite a time, eating, talking, eating, drinking, eating, sharing.. man... most of us knocked out, but some of us could still keep it up and even had our singing session. (Daniel wants to YouTube us.) After we surprise celebrated Rick's birthday (he din even know it was him!)

Prayers for the birthday boy!
(Mich's magical appearance)

We even had a real crazy time playing a card game with confusing names!! (only YewJinn, Simon, Daniel, Rick, Michelle were left besides me)Basically we had to call out names representing someone to dump our cards on them- highest no. of cards loses! if your reaction is bad, you're done for... like... for one round we had bible books: Genesis, Deuteronomy, Chronicles, Philemon, Ecclesiastes, Nehemiah.

you end up with...

wait, wait, WaIt WAIT!!!
(includes *clawing action* from daniel to stop opponent)

Haha!! we had loads of laughter n fun :)

After that, most people went to bed, awaiting another morning, and the second day of the trip!

I woke up to this view :)

My one hour cram-sleep-bed!


Enjoyed the longest sleep!

Sleeping in...

After packing and multiple wake up calls... we managed to check out and get ready to leave for our day event, visiting Melaka town itself!

We were here!

Giant Powerpuff Girls Clogs!

we meet.. again!

The river in all its modern splendor.

And we finally arrived for lunch- Chicken Rice balls and lotsa chik'n!

After lunch, we suddenly realised 2 members of the group were missing.. so we summoned the 'Finger of Shirley' to point them out- sure enough, we found them!

We planned to go for dessert, so we trekked our way to a humble little shop called Donald and Lily's- to search for some Cendol and shade.

The back of the shop, old style kitchens-

Just in time for some Cendol without 'cendol'!
There was some disappointment there, but everyone was glad for the refreshment :)

Ready to RuMbLe!!
and sure enough, the road side shops had plenty of trinklets and somewhat unusual assortment of things on sale..

D-Yen Lee with.. nunchuks??

Simon I-know-Kenshin, with the side stance

Death to the enemies of the Empire!

And the uncle (who sells tamagochi too) demonstrating a six-shooter 'lastik' gun.
Weapons Engineering!

After a shopping spree and getting more foodstuff like pineapple tarts, egg tarts, a lot of other tarts.. we circled around town... trying to gather back in the crowded streets (some of us forgot it was Vesak, thus the crowds.)

If I remember correctly, where part of the museum is (I went there a long time ago)

A distant shot of the big-turning-view-Melaka-device!

We gathered back at one of the perhentian's along the highway to exchance passengers and luggage, saying our byes till we could meet up again~

On the Road back
The Sun's set
Gears aligning..
Back on Track!

Well, that was quite a summary of events- I guess everyone brought back something from the trip, in their own unique ways :) Photos say a thousand words, but some things unspoken can never be beaten! Hope you all had fun reading this entry, and oh, did I forget to mention?

"What happens in Melaka, stays in Melaka"!
but we carry the memories with us :)

Till we can go somewhere else again then!