This place has the best 'chap fan' a.k.a Mixed Rice.
waht chu looookin aht?

Get the table! with all smiles :)

Glad to sit down for makan!

Yew Jinn can launch a punch from anywhere! *fades*
After a hearty lunch, we made our way back to the resort.... and to 1201!

Checking out the view

Evidently exicited campers!


Bright and Cozy!

View from above!

So we chilled out and took our time enjoying the place and just settling down and resting while we mingled and did things like......

Taking hostages and making demands.
(we will deny any terrorist affiliations whatsoever)

Facing the music and having fun ;)

Checking out the Minibar Menu and filling in the fridge!...

With lotsa food!

Chillin out with a read~

Lots of card games!

and just enjoying the big beds!
(can you spot the Mich?!)

Afterwards we headed to the small pond and went paddling!
(one of my fav scenic shots!)

After losing our legs to paddling... we drove back :P

And started to prepare the food...

Jamming to house music...

Mixing fun and work...

Almost going NuTs waiting.....

....Posing for photos....!

....Before Feeding Time!! *flurry of chopsticks*
The food was slightly more than enough, and anyone who wants a free Milo can just pop by my place anytime- i'll make you one personally :) Haha, as stuffed as we were, we could always fit a little more, a little more! and not to mention out personal soft drink selection!
(yup we beat the mini bar by milesssss)

Simon and Jon 'chilling'!

Wiping the table while holding the soft drink
(speed capture!)
Very thirsty people!

Smile/'Ho ah!'(Good ah!)
(products are for advertisement purposes only)

We had quite a time,
eating, talking, eating, drinking, eating, sharing.. man... most of us knocked out, but some of us could still keep it up and even had our singing session. (Daniel wants to YouTube us.) After we surprise celebrated Rick's birthday (he din even know it was him!)

Prayers for the birthday boy!
(Mich's magical appearance)
We even had a real crazy time playing a card game with confusing names!! (only YewJinn, Simon, Daniel, Rick, Michelle were left besides me)Basically we had to call out names representing someone to dump our cards on them- highest no. of cards loses! if your reaction is bad, you're done for... like... for one round we had bible books: Genesis, Deuteronomy, Chronicles, Philemon, Ecclesiastes, Nehemiah.
you end up with...
wait, wait, WaIt WAIT!!!
(includes *clawing action* from daniel to stop opponent)
Haha!! we had loads of laughter n fun :)
After that, most people went to bed, awaiting another morning, and the second day of the trip!

I woke up to this view :)

My one hour cram-sleep-bed!


Enjoyed the longest sleep!

Sleeping in...
After packing and multiple wake up calls... we managed to check out and get ready to leave for our day event, visiting Melaka town itself!

We were here!

Giant Powerpuff Girls Clogs!

we meet.. again!

The river in all its modern splendor.

And we finally arrived for lunch- Chicken Rice balls and lotsa chik'n!

After lunch, we suddenly realised 2 members of the group were missing.. so we summoned the 'Finger of Shirley' to point them out- sure enough, we found them!
We planned to go for dessert, so we trekked our way to a humble little shop called Donald and Lily's- to search for some Cendol and shade.

The back of the shop, old style kitchens-

Just in time for some Cendol
without 'cendol'!
There was some disappointment there, but everyone was glad for the refreshment :)

Ready to RuMbLe!!
and sure enough, the road side shops had plenty of trinklets and somewhat unusual assortment of things on sale..

D-Yen Lee with.. nunchuks??

Simon I-know-Kenshin, with the side stance

Death to the enemies of the Empire!

And the uncle (who sells
tamagochi too) demonstrating a
six-shooter 'lastik' gun.
Weapons Engineering!
After a shopping spree and getting more foodstuff like pineapple tarts, egg tarts, a lot of other tarts.. we circled around town... trying to gather back in the crowded streets (some of us forgot it was Vesak, thus the crowds.)

If I remember correctly, where part of the museum is (I went there a long time ago)

A distant shot of the big-turning-view-Melaka-device!
We gathered back at one of the
perhentian's along the highway to exchance passengers and luggage, saying our byes till we could meet up again~
On the Road backThe Sun's setGears aligning..Back on Track!Well, that was quite a summary of events- I guess everyone brought back something from the trip, in their own unique ways :) Photos say a thousand words, but some things unspoken can never be beaten! Hope you all had fun reading this entry, and oh, did I forget to mention?
"What happens in Melaka, stays in Melaka"!
but we carry the memories with us :)
Till we can go somewhere else again then!