you can see, Malaysia's fallen into the Red Zone.
As most of you might have heard, world economy aren't that great nowadays, and the work Sub prime, Great depression, Interest rate cuts, Bank Spread, Hedge Fund, *&^%$ and more rubbish jargon.
To help you better understand whats going on, you must learn the root cause which is The Sub prime Crisis (Click Here).

As the world economy heads toward Globalization. We can no longer ignore what is happening outside our country. As we might be driving a Japanese car, wearing a UK brand T-shirt that was made in China using cotton from a farm in Australia which was funded by a Swiss company listed in Wall Street (and the list goes on). The picture beside clearly illustrates how Global we're in right now.
In short, US economy is failing and the world is being pulled into the blackhole, With lots of small business being forced into foreclosure, Big companies aren't spared as well. Believe me when i can no country is spared (and even China which as I'm drafting this post, has committed to spend 4Trillion RMB in the span of 2 years to boost domestic growth).
Here, I hope that you can learn from what is happening around the world. This crisis have said to be on par or worst then the Great Depression back in the 1920s. This is indeed an incident that might not happen again in our lifetime and lets take this opportunity to learn and understand the mechanics behind our economy.
In conclusion, seeing how bad the economy is heading, dont expect me to spend you meals and no Xmas gift :P
pardon my bad english...
Pray for the working folks for a miraculous bumper bonus in 2009.... We might give a CNY treat yet.... ;)
no promises okay :)
ooo man....is that mean no medan trip until this crisis end?^^
good news this one!
Tonight we will check airasia again - They will cut fuel surcharge and give away 500K seats for free =)
i ll check it oso!
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