Yeah although my advertisement about it not so good as in the church one! But trust just go for it and seek for our Mighty Jesus!
Have u Pray or Worship today? Do it now,as in the bible said that whoever seek unto Him, He never leave him alone nor forsake him. Amen! Hope the best for all of you that in this week and remeber to walk with Him!
1.Sattia's birthday is on last monday
2.Simon 1st day working is last monday oso
3.and John Gan 1st day internship another same day
4.SheeReen leaving this Sunday!(whoever leave already remember to visit kdcsayshi often
5.its been so long we never swim together,any idea?hehe^^
6.You're very welcome and encourage to come every evening 8pm since today to church for an empowerment night(i will be there,YewJinn,JohnGan and June)
Happy B'day my dearest Sattia..May God pour out his fresh anointing upon you everyday ya..
sheereen, you are leaving? no worries, although you are leaving, i believe that you bring a piece of all of us with you. so we are all close to your heart and you are close to our hearts. i bet you, you hardly forget this cell...hope we can all meet one day ya..
hi everyone..miss you all. everybody look great in the pics..
thanks dat i look good!^^
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