Ni men Hao!
Guys!How are u doing this week?
Questions to ANSWER This week!
which one do u prefer?Have a passion and faith for Jesus or have a knowledge and faith about Jesus?
Note: dont forget the reason as well, you answer will bless others who read it,and we thankful for the answer!
1.KDC had a C-O-D night on saturday nite, instead of going phat-to, we went to having fun time in cybercafe(although the fact was, no date and we enjoy to being single^^)..And as usual JohnGan the shadow still rule the game even snake won once!And YewJinn improved the most..hehehe
2.And snooker game oso at the other hand at the same time. with princess Isabelle won it..
3.And at last JohnLee oso got to bring the game on in the table football(dun noe whether it is the name or not)..with an unexpected shoot..hehehe
5.June's birthday 17August,which is also Indonesia's Independents Day...Happy betdei June and Dirgahayu Indonesia
6.Sattia recovered already
7.Last week icebreaker was nice and exiting!hehehe
8.Alex Goh and Rick's Testimony was great one!Thanks for sharing!
10.On duty this week:
GTR:Danielyen and Junelai(soon Rick,Jasonngu,Alexng,Isabellelai)
Remember to prepare yourself to with an encouraging story of this week that happened to u!And prepared to go to camp!hehehehe
God Bless You!
passion and faith for Jesus that i'll go for. it encourages me to give thanks unto God in every circumstances, either bad or good, for things occurred for a purpose.
i think to have a knowledge and faith about God (to truly know who God is and have a touch of Him) can only be revealed through the Holy Spirit. it takes you to have passion and faith in God and boldly,consistently ask Him to reveal Himself to you..even if we have a knowledge about God without having passion and faith for Jesus, probably what we are doing is not genuinely from our heart, we just do it for the sake of trying to get God's favor in which we dont have to do because He already loves us. nothing we can do to add His love to us, He gives it all already...
guys, i have a prayer request. i just have this feeling that there's a need in OCF to come back to the heart of worship, viz, to focus more into prayers and technicality. please help us in prayer yea.
Thanks ika!
What an answer from u!
i will pray it..
hope everything going well to u!
miss u!^^
Passion is what drives action and knowledge is what drives understanding. I think both are crucial. You have passion without understanding = terrorists lol. You have understanding without passion = everyday church goers. No disagreements? Good.....Make it stay that way!!!
john..is not only hav passion,but passion and faith in Jesus,and is not only hav knowledge,knowledge and faith in Jesus...
anyway thanks for that!
To daniel, since faith is held constant (maksudnya dalam dua-duanya ada,) so I reasoned in terms of what would happen lor. That's all. Maybe I didn't get what u meant..Sorry
ha5x i made a mistake..i mean on the prayer request..what i mean is 'to focus more on prayers and not technicality..'thanks for a prayer supports yea
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