It's all about You,JESUS!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Here is all the Nomination

sinlessfish - relay - goliath - beforesupper - convertion - walkingcloser - forwell - victory - kdcsayshi -romans828 - KDCaide - memoirenew-born - childfreaks4Jesus - inchristalone - forhisname - COG (Child of God) - transfiguration-transit - KDChristalis - K. D. Chris. ta. lis.

Choose Your Favourite!You can choose 2 the maximum!


Fransisca said...

i choose these "walkingcloser" and "KDChristalis". the latter one sounds so cute..

danielyen said...


Yew Jinn Koay said...

Eh, i wanna choose this...
1) kdcsayshi
2) kdcsayshi

Please count as 2 votes... haha... We spent a lot of time and effort branding our blog already, not so easy to change :D

danielyen said...

kdcsayshi for me!

Jsn said...


and kdcsayshi has a simple quality to it, and i think some of us are resigned to have that nice childlike quality of simplicity :)

that's my two- its the content that will grab them daniel thanks for your efforts!

Yew Jinn Koay said...

Daniel, i think this is a better way to vote - Just found out we can make 1 vote a day on the tool - Plus, we don't know who the voter is - and the dual vote option is not given. There might be phantom voters!!

If you can, please stick this post on the top of the blog, and remove the voting tool, so every vote can be accounted for...

Thank you, thank you =)

danielyen said...

good idea!

danielyen said...

kdcsayshi and freak4Jesus

Fransisca said...

Hey guys..i changed my minds, the first vote doesn't count yea.
i go for 'forwell' & 'KDChristalis'