2 weeks ago at Cell we celebrated Rick's Bday. (I haven't been doing my job as a writer promptly.)
Rick just wanna say if you ever become Prime Minister, we're gonna bloody use this photo. "Vote Rick for change. Save Rick, Save the world". XD.
A late shout out for him that he's 24 this year. Girls....here's your chance at the young and hot eligible bachelor that will soon graduate from HELP.

Another shout out to our visitor, Ruby for turning up. Check out this sexy magazine pose girls.

I am telling ya........Ogawa needs a new spokesperson.

Well....Rick got a lil too happy at the end and hit the roof during this photo....Rest assured no one was terribly injured during the making of this photograph.
hahaha nice... where's jason's bday photos i wonder...
i've james one too :P
mine i dun think got so many? most should be with ms.shirley. :D
Rick, a birthday tip for ya... Go load up on YTL stocks ;)
Check out this article about them: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/business/27551-ytl-scion-fosters-faith-based-culture-in-business
Psalm 1 talks about the man walking in God's ways:
Psalm 1:3 (New International Version)
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
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