this year, we planned the retreat to be at Tiara Beach Resort, the venue for H.U.G.E camp 08- and going there for the recce trip brought back interesting memories, and how far everyone has gone since last year! its a beautiful place, and this season we expect tenancy to be low, so we'll have most of the place to ourselves??? sounds AWESOME!!
how is everyone in and away from KDC doing? i wonder, just as you're going through the rigors of life you don't make it an exercise, or worse still, find coming before God a chore. even as you guys and gals are not physically attending cell with us, i believe God's Overflowing can reach even you in Johor, Ipoh, East M'sia, Indonesia, Australia, and to the ends of the earth!! :p
For those who can make it, plz do- come and deliberately put yourself out of your daily setting. no work. no distractions. no ppl around to take away that time for you to seek God in a special way.
and in so doing, let God Overflow in your life.
check out some photos we took:

We ALLLLL need a break!