for this time!i got a lot of things to say..hueheuheuehue...
regarding my dreams for our 'kdcsayhi'...hahaha..
ok! let's start!
1.we going to have an online meeting!when i say meeting,everyone who understand, started to nod their head already!yeah you're rite...meeting of changing our blog's who ever from the east to west and from south to north,please submit all your idea in 3 requirements:
1.1.must be KDC members(alumni included)
1.2.meaningful(consist of christianity moral value)
1.3.the name represent all of us
so with that requirements,please submit your idea with some short explaination!
again i wanted to say,criticize is always easier than suggesting, so please be broad minded for everyone idea^^
one week for collecting all the idea
2.FUTSAL tournament..hehe
i don't know why,but yesterday, i was dreaming about our blog become so famous in GT because of this tournament, cause in our team's costume there is our blog's name. then after that day,a lot of visitor come to our blog,post a comment,and even getting more and more people post new blog everyday,even every few hours we can see something new update. then in that time,not only our cell member start to blogging, but other church member,and as time goes, the news come to ps.Julie's ears, and Ps.Julie mention our blog to the whole congregation and now the whole congregation visit our blog..ok2 stop dreaming,i got to stop it until here, but hmmm......actually i want to continue it,our blog well known in GT,GT introduce it to the other church and kdcsayshi finally can change community,and who knows known by whole Malaysia..oupss!sory ya!
back to futsal!
Daniel,Acong,JohnEmmanuel,Ruby,Mich,Thana,RonaldTobing,so far is the player that wanted to play,the rest still saying 'i cant,scared of ball,if i play the sky will fall down,if i play i will end with fight' hahaha,hehehe whoever want to play,please tell me^^
3.yesterday we swam

no commment
no comment
one best moment happened yesterday,when we compete who can jump the further...hahaha
JohnGan fell before jump...LOL
4.on duty this week
why only all the langchai in the picture...where is the langlui?
I'm the ice breaker!
Blog Name Nomination:
*** kdcsayshi - as a cell name, kdc reflects our identity and "says hi" describes the cell posture to reach out and touch lives - this is the main objective of our cell, edifying our members and evangelizing to the lost :)
*** romans828 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - The name serves to remind us of God's faithfulness in our lives. As an "outstation" cell, it will be very encouraging to reflect in many years to come, how good the Lord has been to our lives ... It will be a great place to where the cell alumni gets to stay in touch with the current members :)
yew jinn, you're up pretty early. do join us next time
Something is wrong with the time stamp I think =) I'm posting this May 2, 11.38AM... Let's see what comes out... ;)
California/SanFrancisco time! :D
Hey, anymore nominations or not?
anymore nominations?hehehe
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