Haha. These two are the most amazing lines in KDC. Let me outline the scenario for you guys.
Watch the man play was credited to Daniel Yen.
So so....Here's the scene. Long lost chess champion Yew Jinn and military tactician (more like military charge champion hehe) Jason Ngu against Daniel Yen. The ending scene was this. Our Daniel had 1 rook left to play along with his king and Yew Jinn had 2 bishops.
Thinking bishops were actually too dumb to nail a checkmate, Daniel rushed to attack them against his military adviser's advice aka Me :P. I wanted to say something but Daniel replied :" Just watch the MAN play" BWAHAHAHA. If you saw the look on Daniel's face when that checkmate happened....PRICELESS BRO!!! Absolutely PRICELESS!!! Well Daniel apologized to all men for losing .
Ok...Line 2. Save Rick, Save the world.
The scene was set in the game of Mafia. So the game was civilians against Mafia. This is basically an attorney defense game where you get the chance to sorta prove your innocence. That you were not the mafia. Your fate in this game is decided by a council (the civilians and mafia who would vote either for your death [to leave the game] or your right to live [to remain in the game]). The most compelling and interesting argument put forth was by Rick. Faced with the wrath of the council and like a lamb about to be put to the slaughter, Rick stood up and said:" Save Rick, Save the world" The argument was so compelling that Jason did the "bro signal" and GUESS WHAT!!! Dear old Rick here turned out to be the mafia (who should be convicted by the council in other to win the game). Guess dear Rick turned out to be Sylar after all. Hahaha. Machiavellian indeed.
It's all about You,JESUS!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
After so long!

Here i am to fill the blog again....that i had so miss u guys already!hehehe
Watsup everybody!How is kdcsayshi doin???
I think everyone are getting lazy to open this site,cause very seldom update...hihihi
sory for dat guys!so here is things dat i noe and to inform to cellies....
1.last week yewjinn alex sherly n jason went to krabi(hope to hear the good story from all of u!)
2.Jonathan starting to serve in chruch occasionally or maybe frequently! It s really an encouragement,that u manage ur time so well to do dat...
3.Ronald has pass the final..remember to congrats him..hehehe and where mine still not out the resullt...
4.i am sick for 2 days already...please pray for me...so i can get well soon....
5.we got a lot of new comers nowadays...remember to keep im touch with them
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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